Tutankhamun Uncovered: The Adventure Behind the Curse
Front Cover
Michael J. Marfleet


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Brief Description: Presented as a work of fiction, but based upon known historical events – in ancient Egypt in the 1300’s bc, and in the 20th Century – this novel re-examines the lives, characters, environments and beliefs of a relatively insignificant boy king and the discoverer of his tomb, Howard Carter. The two tales are told in parallel and, beginning three thousand years apart, gradually converge, coming together as Carter sets out on his obsessive odyssey. The ancients’ urgent quest for life after death is threatened by the archaeologist’s relentless search for the tomb. The two worlds ultimately collide, releasing forces that bring new meaning to the ‘curse’ that had become a media sensation during the early stages of the discovery.
Although the dialogues in the book are essentially fictional and some of the situations and characters are imagined, the accounting of events is as accurate as possible, the majority based upon facts gleaned from over fifty works, most written by recognized scholars, several of whom were Carter’s contemporaries. New interpretations explain many of the questions that still surround the life and times of Tutankhamun, and the discovery itself. The explicit descriptions and vividly animated characters draw the reader into a tactile environment that is sure to excite the imagination.

Special Note: This book is now out of print. The paperback version of this book was titled 'Romance With Death'.

About the Author: Born in Wales in 1943, Michael Marfleet spent his entire professional career working in many parts of the world as a geologist in the petroleum exploration business. In 2002 he retired and turned to writing.